If you are having problems with the application, please contact me via my e-mail listed here or via the website. Leaving a comment that the application crashes does not help me to solve the problem. I want to fix the problems but i need more information.
Calculate capacity, velocity, flow depth and percent flow for a circular pipe using Manning's equation. This application can be used by Civil Engineers for preliminary hydraulics analysis where open channel flow is assumed.
By installing this application you agree to the user agreement which can be accessed by pressing the menu button and selecting User Agreement or at https://sites.google.com/site/ahcfluidmechanics/useragreement.
Jika Anda mengalami masalah dengan aplikasi tersebut, silahkan hubungi saya melalui e-mail saya tercantum di sini atau melalui situs web. Meninggalkan komentar bahwa aplikasi crash tidak membantu saya untuk memecahkan masalah. Saya ingin memperbaiki masalah tetapi saya memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut.
Hitung kapasitas, kecepatan, kedalaman alur dan aliran persen untuk pipa melingkar menggunakan persamaan Manning. Aplikasi ini dapat digunakan oleh Civil Engineers untuk analisis hidrolika awal di mana aliran saluran terbuka diasumsikan.
Dengan menginstal aplikasi ini Anda setuju dengan perjanjian pengguna yang dapat diakses dengan menekan tombol menu dan memilih Perjanjian Pengguna atau https://sites.google.com/site/ahcfluidmechanics/useragreement.
If you are having problems with the application, please contact me via my e-mail listed here or via the website. Leaving a comment that the application crashes does not help me to solve the problem. I want to fix the problems but i need more information.
Calculate capacity, velocity, flow depth and percent flow for a circular pipe using Manning's equation. This application can be used by Civil Engineers for preliminary hydraulics analysis where open channel flow is assumed.
By installing this application you agree to the user agreement which can be accessed by pressing the menu button and selecting User Agreement or at https://sites.google.com/site/ahcfluidmechanics/useragreement.